
【新概念英语第二册课文】I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.
我刚刚搬进了大桥街的一所房子 。
Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.
昨天一个乞丐来敲我的门 。
He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.
问我要一顿饭和一杯啤酒 。
In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.
作为回报, 那乞丐头顶地倒立起来, 嘴里还唱着歌 。
I gave him a meal.
我给了他一顿饭 。
He ate the food and drank the beer.
他把食物吃完, 又喝了酒 。
Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away.
然后把一块乳酪装进衣袋里走了 。
Later a neighbour told me about him.
后来, 一位邻居告诉了我他的情况 。
Everybody knows him.
大家都认识他 。
His name is Percy Buttons.
他叫珀西.巴顿斯 。
He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
他每月对这条街上的每户人家光顾一次, 总是请求给他一顿饭和一杯啤酒 。
1、I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. 我刚刚搬进了大桥街的一所房子 。
move常用的意义是“动”、“移动” 。 在这句话里它的意思是“搬家”、“迁移”, 为不及物动词 。 在表达“搬家”这个意思时move可以单独使用, 也可以组成短语move to, move into, move in, move out等 。
2、He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. (他问)我要一顿饭和一杯啤酒 。 在表示请求时, 可以用ask+sb.+for+sth., 也可以直接用ask for 。
3、in return for this 作为报答, 作为交换 。 in return可以单独使用, 也可以加介词for说明原因 。
4、Later a neighbour told me about him. 后来, 一位邻居告诉了我他的情况 。 介词about可以和一些动词连用, 以表示“关于……(的)”、“涉及……(的)” 。


Lesson 90 What's for supper?
【New words and expressions】
chip n. 油煎土豆片
overfish v. 过度捕捞
giant adj. 巨大的
terrify v. 吓, 使恐怖
diver n. 潜小员
oil rig 石油钻塔
wit n. (复数)理智, 头脑
cage n. 笼
shark n. 鲨鱼
whale n. 鲸
variety n. 品种
cod n. 鳕
skate n. 鳐
factor n. 因素
crew n. 全体工作人员
Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive. So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. Oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work. Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monsters. The fish are not sharks or killer whales, but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, sometimes as much as twelve feet in length. Three factors have caused these fish to grow so large: the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea; the plentiful supply of food thrown overboard by the crews on the rigs; the total absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs. As a result, the fish just eat and eat and grow and grow in the lovely warm water. Who eats who?
油煎鱼加炸土豆片一直是英国人喜爱的一道菜, 但是随着海洋里的滥捕滥捞, 鱼已经变得越来越昂贵 。 因此, 听说北海石油钻井平台上的潜水员受到巨型鱼类的恐吓, 确实很让人吃惊 。 钻井平台需要经常修理, 潜水员常常要在水面100英尺以下摸黑工作, 他们曾在工作时被撞到他们身上的大鱼吓得惊惶失措 。 现在他们有了特制的笼子, 用来保护他们免受大鱼的侵袭 。 这些鱼并不是鲨鱼或逆戟鲸, 而是深受人们喜爱的食用鱼品种, 如鳕鱼和鳐鱼, 只不过它们长得出奇地大, 有时长达12英尺 。 这些鱼能长得这么大是由3个因素造成的:海底热的输油管道附近的温暖的海水;钻井平台工作人员抛到海里充足的食物;钻井平台周围根本没有捕鱼船只 。 结果是, 这些鱼就在可爱的温暖的水流中吃呀吃, 长呀长 。
