


1、甜品源自于埃及、希腊 。远在5000多年前的古埃及 , 已出现当作供品的点心 。常用原料包括面粉、牛奶、黄油、沙糖、奶油、巧克力、生果、果仁等 , 以焗炉高温烘制为主 。
2、欧洲开始使用砂糖大约是十世纪左右,十字军东征时 , 意大利的各都市便开始用砂糖制作点心,例如用花生及砂糖熬煮制成的马其面包 , 或撒上香料、砂糖的甜点心等 。另外 , 十三世纪法国,馅饼店发明了包入杏仁烘培而成的奶油水果馅饼,从此就将点心店称为糕饼店 。
Dessert is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal, usually consisting of sweet food but sometimes of a strongly-flavored one, such as some cheeses. The word comes from the Old French desservir, "to clear the table." Some common desserts are cakes, COOKIEs, fruits, pastries,ice creams, and chocolates and candies.
Cake is often the dessert of choice for meals at ceremonial occasions, particularly weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. There are literally millions of cake recipes (some are bread-like and some rich and elaborate) and many are centuries old. Cake making is no longer a complicated procedure; Baking utensils and directions have been so perfected and simplified that even the amateur cook may easily become an expert baker.
Ice cream or ice-cream (originally iced cream) is a frozen dessert made from dairy products, such as cream (or substituted ingredients), combined with flavorings and sweeteners, such as sugar.
In the United States and Canada, a COOKIE is a small, round, flat cake. In most English-speaking countries outside North America, the most common word for this is biscuit; in many regions both terms are used, while in others the two words have different meanings—a COOKIE is a bun in Scotland, while in the United States a biscuit is a kind of quick bread not unlike a scone.
COOKIEs are broadly classified according to how they are formed, including at least these categories:
Refrigerator COOKIEs
Molded COOKIEs
Rolled COOKIEs
Pressed COOKIEs
Chocolate comprises a number of raw and processed foods that are produced from the seed of the tropical cacao tree.
Chocolate pudding is a class of dessert with chocolate flavors. There are two main types: a boiled then chilled, texturally a custard set with starch, version commonly eaten in the U.S., Canada, and East and South East Asia; and a steamed/baked, texturally similar to cake, version that is popular in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.
