煎饺子的英文怎么说 煎饺怎么煎英文

How to pan-fry dumplings? Here are some tips for you.
1. Preheat the pan and add oil
Before putting the dumplings in the pan, preheat the pan over medium-high heat for a few minutes. Then, add enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan.
2. Place the dumplings in the pan
Place the dumplings in the pan, making sure they are not touching each other. Let them fry for about 2-3 minutes or until the bottoms turn golden brown.
3. Add water and cover the pan
Add enough water to the pan to cover the bottom of the dumplings. Be careful as the oil may splatter. Immediately cover the pan with a lid to trap the steam inside.
4. Cook until the water evaporates
Cook the dumplings for about 5-6 minutes or until the water has evaporated completely.
5. Remove from the pan and serve
Once the water has evaporated, remove the lid and let the dumplings fry for another 1-2 minutes or until the bottoms become crispy again. Use a spatula to remove the dumplings from the pan and serve hot with your favorite dipping sauce.
【煎饺子的英文怎么说煎饺怎么煎英文】Pan-frying dumplings is easy as long as you follow these simple steps. With a little practice, you can make perfectly crispy and delicious dumplings at home.
