au怎么录音好听 au录音技巧

在很多情况下,我们需要记录计算机内部的音频,例如音乐或视频的声音 。如果只是在外面放然后录音,需要非常安静的环境,即使外面没有其他声音,录下来的音频也会有噪音 。因此,这个分享系列将带你学习如何记录电脑内部的声音 。(以Win10系统为例)
In many cases, we need to record the internal audio of the computer, such as recording the sound of music or video. If we just play it outside and then record, we need a very quiet environment, and even if there is no other sound outside, the recorded audio is also There will also be noise, so this sharing editor will take everyone to learn how to record the sound inside the computer. (Take Win10 system as an example)
First of all, let’s adjust the computer’s settings first (just the settings for recording, it won’t affect other aspects)
1. Right-click “This Computer” or “My Computer”, then click “Properties”, and click “Control Panel Home” on the upper left in the pop-up interface;

au怎么录音好听 au录音技巧

2. Click “Hardware and Sound”, and click “Sound” on the pop-up interface;

au怎么录音好听 au录音技巧

3. After entering “Sound”, click “Record” and select “Stereo Mix” below;

au怎么录音好听 au录音技巧

四、点击“属性”,在“常规”选项卡下,在“设备用法”里选中“使用此设备(启用)” 。
4. Click “Properties”, and under the “General” tab, select “Use this device (enable)” in “Device Usage”.

au怎么录音好听 au录音技巧

随后,我们就需要在AU中进行相应的调整 。
Subsequently, we need to make corresponding adjustments in AU.
1. Under the “Edit” tab, move the mouse to the last “Preferences” and click “Audio Hardware (A)”;

au怎么录音好听 au录音技巧

二、在“音频输入”一栏中选择“立体声混音”,和电脑的设置保持一致,此时,我们创建的文件就会只录制电脑内部的声音,不会录入电脑外部的声音,并且此时电脑的音乐播放等输出声音不受影响 。
2. select “Stereo Mix” in the “Audio Input” column, which is consistent with the computer settings. At this time, the file we create will only record the internal sound of the computer, and will not record the external sound of the computer. When the computer’s music playback and other output sounds are not affected.

au怎么录音好听 au录音技巧

以后如果需要录制电脑外部的声音时把设置做相应的修改即可 。?
In the future, if you need to record the external sound of the computer, you can modify the settings accordingly.
