抖音蔡徐坤Bigger歌曲歌词完整版 抖音Maketheroombigger是什么歌

抖音蔡徐坤Bigger歌曲歌词完整版 抖音Maketheroombigger是什么歌

抖音Maketheroombigger是什么歌?最近蔡徐坤的新歌一直霸占着抖音排行榜的前几位 , 下面小编就为玩家带来抖音蔡徐坤Bigger歌曲歌词完整版 。一起来看看吧 。
抖音蔡徐坤Bigger歌曲歌词完整版 抖音Maketheroombigger是什么歌

抖音蔡徐坤Bigger歌曲歌词完整版《Bigger》是蛰伏 , 是破茧而出 。
这位刚满20岁的原创音乐人 , 让我看到了年轻人身上无限的可能性与创造性 。
他说“我希望大家记住的是我的音乐 , 这才是我能回馈给大家最好的礼物 。”
他说“我必须压抑自己 , 让心态平稳下来 。因为如果太浮躁 , 就不能脚踏实地的做好音乐了 。我还想做到更好 。
Bigger - 蔡徐坤
Written by:KUN/Josh
Arranged by:KUN/Afsheen
Produced by:KUN
Put your hands on the ceiling
Party wall to wall
Put your hands on the ceiling
Party wall to wall
Put your hands on the ceiling
Hands on the ceiling
Hands on the ceiling
Make the room bigger
Make the room bigger
Make the room bigger
Put your hands on the ceiling
Party wall to wall
Put your hands on the ceiling
Party wall to wall
Put your hands on the ceiling
Hands on the ceiling
Hands on the ceiling
Make the room bigger
Make the room bigger
【抖音蔡徐坤Bigger歌曲歌词完整版 抖音Maketheroombigger是什么歌】Make the room bigger
