阿克拉英文名 阿拉克怎么读英语

How to pronounce "Alarak" in English?
【阿克拉英文名阿拉克怎么读英语】1. First of all, let's break down the word "Alarak". It consists of three syllables: "A-la-rak".
2. The letter "A" is pronounced as "uh" in the first syllable.
3. The second syllable "la" is pronounced as "luh".
4. The last syllable "rak" is pronounced as "rak", with a slightly rolled "r" sound.
5. Putting it all together, the correct pronunciation of "Alarak" in English is "uh-luh-rak".
In conclusion, to correctly pronounce "Alarak" in English, remember to emphasize the second syllable and roll your "r" sound in the last syllable.
