童年趣事作文【通用10篇】( 二 )

这时妈妈回来了, 看见了我们脸都是红的, 嘴唇已经像流了血似的, 红艳艳的, 吓了一大跳 。 了解了事情经过后, 她气得哭笑不得, 然后从冰箱里拿出一些冰给我们吃 。 过了好一会儿, “热气”终于没了 。
后来我才知道, 我们吃的那些辣椒很辣的 。 而妈妈做的辣菜, 是把辣椒的心都给切掉, 然后洗得干干净净, 才不会很辣 。
现在, 每当我们家吃辣椒菜的时候, 我们三兄弟总会不由自主地笑起来 。
童年趣事作文【通用10篇】三Moving old freight car came, those who stop in my home is downstair. A few blue, dirty old freight car is stopping shipshapely, father is directing a worker to move furniture and goods. Our old building is too old, was forced to take away. At that time, I just am controlled 6 years old, at the back of see a few workers put one pile empty cabinet, empty shelf into old freight car, my heart thinks: Really amused, can play hide feline cat ah! I look around all around: Ground of father without a stop is being directed, bead andish is aspersing the sweat with big beans; Mom has baled the dress that leave terribly defeatedly. Nobody notices me, I am stepping on a piece of small table, climbed the jian hou mian of van, get into an ordinary little cupboard, had closed the door, foolish the ground is laughing. Passed a little while, listen to a worker to say only: "Be installed, go. " the rear cover door of van was shut, I am foolish still foolish is the jian hou mian that the ground crouchs in van what kind of outside the illusion. Passed a little while again, air is heated up again frowzily again, I opened cupboard door, see only all around inky, outside faint the sound that transmits father mother " hello, where is her person? " " how can I know? Be you look at? " ... just began, I still feel especially amused, laugh persistently, but do not have with a bit activity sultrily more and more as airy outside, "Wow wow! " I cried. Later, one moves a thing slow when the worker is opening lid, just me " release " come out, see sky and father mother, I just arrive cheerfully to take candy at the same time again.
童年趣事作文【通用10篇】四我印象中不愉快的事情, 是六岁那年, 爸爸妈妈临时有事外出, 我独自一人在家里的经过 。
清晨, 一缕缕的阳光, 透过窗帘渗透到我的小床上, 我伸伸手, 迎接着晨曦的到来 。 我习惯性地叫了声“妈妈” 。 没反应, 我下床去找, 没有找到妈妈, 但是发现了一张纸条, 上面写着:“李想, 爸爸妈妈有事, 要下午才回来, 中饭去会所吃, 乖!”旁边放着饭卡, 我感觉天似乎塌了下来, 手足无措, 空气似乎也变得浑浊 。 我望着窗外, 阳光似乎消失了 。 我两腿一摊, 坐在地上嚎啕大哭 。
哭着哭着, 我感到饥肠辘辘——该吃饭了, 我站起来, 闷闷不乐地走向厨房, 我不耐烦地拿了勺子, 把泡饭盛个精光, 狼吞虎咽地吃下去 。 吃完饭, 抬头一看, 才九点——时间过得真慢 。
我百无聊赖地坐在沙发上, 内心无比空虚, 总在想和爸爸妈妈在一起的快乐时光, 觉得度日如年 。
时间不知不觉, 我的肚子又咕咕叫了, 我内心里有些惧怕 。 我是一个小孩, 怎么能一个人去呢?我的心里又有些气愤 。
我走到会所, 轻轻地推开门 。 看到五花八门的菜, 我顿时傻眼了, 根据以往的经验, 我小心翼翼地拿了盘子, 开始打菜 。 “阿姨, 这个帮我打一下 。 ”我竟然说出来了, 我有些兴奋 。 我找了一个好座位, 开始吃饭 。
吃完饭, 我小心翼翼地打开门, 竟然看到了妈妈!我跑过去, 和妈妈深情拥抱, 我的内心深处, 也涌出了一股喜悦的源泉——和爸爸妈妈在一起真好!
童年趣事作文【通用10篇】五童年, 是多彩的, 童年, 是快乐的 。 童年做的事也是让人啼笑皆非的, 有一件事让我至今难忘 。
